Here is a quick and easy breath tool.
Rub your hands together and bring heat into them. When you have some heat, bring your hands to your head and let the heat from your hands enter your head. Take a deep inhale to your belly, and on your exhale open your mouth and make some sound as you let the breath out of your body. Repeat with heart and tummy.
Rub your hands together and bring heat into them. When you have some heat, bring your hands to your heart and let the heat from your hands enter your heart. Take a deep inhale to your belly, and on your exhale open your mouth and make some sound as you let the breath out of your body. Repeat with tummy.
Rub your hands together and bring heat into them. When you have some heat, bring your hands to your tummy and let the heat from your hands enter your tummy. Take a deep inhale to your belly, and on your exhale open your mouth and make some sound as you let the breath out of your body.